Home News

Lincoln Street Vehicular Closures for 2024 Season & Calendar

A reminder that Lincoln Street becomes pedestrian-only from 10am to 4pm on days with 5,000 or more cruise ship capacity. Parking is unavailable in closure area beginning at 9am.Cruise Ship Calendar for 2024

Non-Profit Organizations Annual Grant Funding Applications

Grant applications are available for non-profit organizations to apply for annual funding from the City and Borough of Sitka FY25 General Fund. $45,000 is available for disbursement. Applications are available at City Hall, 100 Lincoln Street, 3rd Floor (Administration Office), and online HERE.Subm…

How to Offer Public Comment at Assembly Meetings

Regular Assembly Meetings are held the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in Harrigan Centennial Hall. Agendas and supporting documentation are available at https://sitka.legistar.com/Calendar.aspx or by contacting the Municipal Clerk's Office at City Hall.Public comment on agenda items…

Public Works Project Highlight

Click to get the latest information on the following projects:GPIP Haul Out & Ship YardLake-Hirst and Monastery-Kinkead ProjectSIT Airport Terminal Improvement ProjectSitka Seaplane BaseSitka Seawalk Phase IIThomsen Harbor Lift Station (updated 04/03/2024)

Annual Report To The Community

Municipal Administrator John Leach gave his presentation to the Greater Sitka Chamber of Commerce of the State of the City on January 24, 2024. The annual report comprised of milestones of our Strategic Plan, statistics, and outlined future commitments. 2023 CBS Annual ReportPast Annual Reports:Rep…

Stay Informed on the GPIP Haul Out & Ship Yard Project

Click here to visit the Gary Paxton Industrial Park Haul Out and Ship Yard Project pageAt the Assembly meeting on July 25 at 6:00 p.m. in Harrigan Centennial Hall, the Assembly approved Concept Design #4. Agenda and packet materials.A June 2023 presentation on the project can be found by visiting: …

Sitka's Energy Transition Journey

The City and Borough of Sitka’s Electric Department partnered with the Department of Energy's Energy Transition Initiative Partnership Project (ETIPP) to perform a grid analysis and assess Sitka’s renewable energy resources and their potential for increasing generation capacity. The results show th…

Sitka's Renewable Energy

The City and Borough of Sitka was approached by the Made in America series for an episode to tell our story of clean energy and the future.Overview: Sitka is a community already at the forefront of renewable energy, with close to 100% of the city’s current electricity provided by their two hydroele…