What was this ETIPP study?In 2021, the City and Borough of Sitka’s Electric Department commissioned a team of experts through the Energy Transitions Initiative Partnership Project (ETIPP) to assess clean alternatives to diesel if hydropower alone cannot meet demand in the future. The results show that Sitka has choices for powering its future! This project was so successful that many of these experts are returning to continue the work with the Sustainability Coordinator and the Sustainability Commission to develop the Sitka Community Renewable Energy Strategy. | |||||
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Sitka's Power SupplySitka relies entirely on hydropower generated by the Green Lake and Blue Lake dams. Sitka can also use backup diesel power to supplement hydropower as needed. | |||||
Current Electrical Generation CapacitySitka’s generation capacity depends on its annual rainfall, which varies. As the community grows and electrifies, the annual electric load may grow by 20% in 5–10 years (see Frequently Asked Questions for assumptions). How does this study help?
Most importantly, it shows that Sitka | |||||
Sitka's Renewable Energy Opportunities | |||||
Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat assumptions about loads were made for this study? Are there other options for power generation? What about the current grid and updating its systems? What comes next? | |||||
Watch Sitka's Energy Transition Journey | |||||
Have More Questions? Contact the Sustainability Coordinator!sustainability@cityofsitka.com | (907) 747-1856 Learn more about City energy planning efforts at |
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