Energy Education

Sitka's Energy Today

Key Questions:

  • What is an electric grid and how does it work?
  • What is unique about Sitka's grid?
  • How much electricity does Sitka have?
  • What is Sitka's energy usage today?

Sitka's Energy History

Key Questions:
  • How has Sitka's energy needs changed over time?
  • Howe have these needs changed the grid?
  • How does Stika's historical approach inform future energy choices?

Energy Efficiency & Conservation 

Key Questions: 

  • How do everyday energy choices influence Sitka's energy future?
  • Who plays what roles in energy efficiency and conservation?
  • What is the role of policy in efficiency and conservation?
  • What are the benefits of efficiency and conservation?

Reliability & Resilience  - Coming soon

Key Questions: 

  • What is current state of Sitka's electric infrastructure?
  • What are the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats for Sitka's grid?
  • What are ways to increase reliability and resilience?

Energy Independence  - Coming soon
Key Questions: 

  • How do we balance generation and distribution?
  • How does investment in the grid translate to self-sufficiency and independence?
  • What are the social, cultural, and environmental impacts associated with new infrastructure?

Energy Economics

Key Questions: 

  • How are rates determined/ what impacts the cost of electricity?
  • How does the debt from the Blue Lake Expansion Project work?
  • What does that debt mean for the future?
  • How can the cost of electricity be reduced?

Sitka's Energy Potential

Key Questions:
  • What options beyond hydroelectricity does Sitka have to increase generation?
  • Which types are best suited for Sitka and why?
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of each option?



Schedule an Energy Workshop!

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To be considered at the next Assembly Meeting, submit applications to the Clerk's Office today!