Sitka Community Renewable Energy Strategy

What is the SCRES? 
The Sitka Community Renewable Energy Strategy (SCRES) is a City of and Borough Sitka-led project heavily supported by its Sustainability Commission in collaboration with energy experts via technical assistance from the  Department of Energy's Energy Transition Initiative Partnership Project (ETIPP).

stablish a shared vision of Sitka’s energy future to guide energy-related community decisions.

Shape a roadmap for community and policy actions that advance the shared energy vision.

What does the SCRES Include?

Energy Education

Community Engagement
Click for Upcoming Events

Greenhouse Gas
Emissions Inventory

Energy experts are building an in-depth series of educational modules specific to Sitka that you can explore to learn more so you can make informed decisions about our community's energy future. Coming Summer 2024

To help create a shared vision and a roadmap, we need your ideas! Presentations, workshops, and other opportunities are being planned for Fall 2024. Be sure to check for upcoming events!

To better understand Sitka's energy needs, experts are conducting a community-wide greenhouse gas emissions inventory. Coming Summer 2024

Learn More About the SCRES

Want to get alerts about the SCRES?
Questions? Comments?

Phone (907) 747-1856

Upcoming Energy Events

Want to be more involved?

To be considered at the next Assembly Meeting, submit applications to the Clerk's Office by July 17th at noon.