
Welcome to the Engineering Page.

Engineering is here to manage the planning, design and construction of roads, utilities, buildings and harbor projects:

  • Plan, organize and manage implementation of capital projects within the City and Borough of Sitka.
  • Manage and implement Water, Wastewater, Stormwater, Roads & Harbor Master Plans.
  • Review plans, inspect and approve private subdivision development.
  • Issue permits for new water & sewer services, driveways, and encroachments.
  • Review and approve traffic control plans for work within municipal right-of-way.
  • Coordinate Public Works GIS database and mapping.
  • Pursue funding for various Capital Improvement Projects (CIPs).
  • Prepare grant and loan applications for Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, Alaska Energy Authority, Legislative Requests, State of Alaska Harbor Matching Grant, etc.
  • Respond to public inquiries/concerns regarding drainage and right-of-way issues.
  • Support PW Building Division with grading, retaining wall, and geotechnical report review and inspections.
  • General engineering support for other City departments and PW divisions.

For projects currently out to bid, please visit our Bids and RFP page.  Questions on any current or past bids can be asked at or by calling the Public Works department at 907-747-1804


CBS Drainage Standards.pdf 


GPIP Haul Out and Ship Yard

Project Description: 

The development of a haul out facility in Sitka is a community priority according to the October 4, 2022 Regular Election vote passed to allocate $8.2 million of the city’s Permanent Fund to begin development of a haul out. Sitka’s maritime industry is an important part of the community and economy that is currently being affected by lack of critical infrastructure in the community.


For more information about the GPIP Haul Out and Ship Yard - click here

Sitka Seawalk Phase II

Seawalk Related Sitka Planning Studies:

1997 Gateway Community Planning CBS _ SNHP.pdf 

2002 NonMotorTransPcompletefile.pdf 

2007 CBS Comprehensive Plan.pdf 

2007 Sitka Visitor Industry Plan.1.pdf 

2007 Sitka Visitor Industry Plan.2.pdf 

2010 Pass. Fee Implementation Plan MRV Jones _ Jones.pdf 

2012 Sitka_Outdoor_Rec_Action_Plan_FINAL_1-2-13_all-appendices.pdf 

2014 AK Access Program Proposal FINALSea walk.pdf 

2020.Seawalk.2 Scoping Report.pdf 

2020.UPDATED.Seawalk.2 Scoping Report.pdf 

2021.Federal Lands Access Program Sitka Seawalk Phase II Memorandum of Agreement (MOA).pdf 


For more information about the Sitka Seawalk Phase II project: click here

New Sitka Seaplane Base (SPB)

Project Description: 

The City and Borough of Sitka (CBS) is proposing to construct a new seaplane base (SPB) on Japonski Island to replace the existing SPB, which is deteriorating and in poor condition.  A masterplan for a new SPB was completed in 2002. Additional siting studies were completed in 2012 and updated in 2016, to identify the best location for the new facility. The Japonski Island site was identified as the preferred site.  CBS has now received Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) funding for further planning and environmental studies on the proposed new SPB.  Environmental review, under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), is required before the FAA can approve funding for the airport land acquisition, design, permitting and construction of the facility. FAA typically pays for 93.75% of the project costs.


For more information about the Sitka Seaplane Base Project - click here


Critical Secondary Water Supply

Project Description: 

CBS needs a reliable, safe source of drinking water to serve to the public for when the Blue Lake penstock is down for maintenance, or for when there is high turbidity in the Blue Lake raw water. This project will design and construct a water intake in Sawmill Creek and a filtration plant at Gary Paxton Industrial Park to meet these needs.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Project Overview:

The following is the link of the overall project information that was presented to the assembly and the public. FAQ Critical Secondary Water



Cost Estimate Update, September 2019

Sawmill Creek intake Memo, July 2019

Backwash Disposal Memo, July 2019

Dedicated Water Supply Report, January 2018

Filtration Evaluation for Critical Secondary Water Source, April 2019

Summary of Design Considerations

ADEC Compliance Order by Consent Determination, May 2019

Project Cost Estimate, September 2019

CSW Membrane Award Recommendation, November 2019

Preliminary Drawings, January 2020

Basis of Design Report, January 2020


Airport Terminal Improvements

Project Description: 

The Airport Terminal Improvement Project is intended to remedy some of the existing critical problems identified in the Airport Terminal Master Plan 2008-2011, including working conditions in the baggage make-up area and TSA baggage screening area, as well as problems with congested passenger queuing, screening, baggage, fish boxes, waiting areas and passenger flow. CBS accepted a TSA design grant in the amount of $158,569.25 to design specific improvements to the TSA Baggage Screening Area. Other areas impacted by these design changes are ineligible for the TSA design funding. The Assembly approved moving forward to the 65% Schematic Design Milestone for the preferred concept plan that was presented in the Assembly work-session August 8, 2017.  Passenger Facility Charges (PFC) were applied for and approved by ADOT and FAA. Collection of the PFCs began May 1, 2018. The total anticipated revenue collection over the 20-year period of collection is $6,840,000.00, which will finance the $4,025,000 revenue bond along with its fees and debt service.


The estimated cost for the project as identified is approximately $15 Million.  The current funding plan outlines the following components:


  • Passenger Facility Charge Revenue                                $4,025,000    Bond Secured
  • TSA OTA Grant                                                                    $158,569             Secured
  • TSA Funding                                                                     $3,397,500         Unsecured
  • Eligible AIP Grant Request                                             $10,283,954         Unsecured


Assembly Memo & Concept Plan, August 2017

Assembly Work Session, August 8, 2017

2011.Sitka Airport Master Plan.Final.pdf 


Sitka Police Station Study

Project Description: 

The Sitka Police Station Planning Study, completed August 2019, is an initial planning and programming study that takes a preliminary look at the spatial needs for a new police station and jail, based on the Sitka Police Station’s existing operations and the standard sizes of the spaces required to perform those operational activities.  The study is intended to provide a comprehensive go-to document that captures the efforts, investigations and known project information to-date.  Design of the facility will be implemented at a future time where its final size and amenities will be determined along with its location, based on future funding and the other ‘next steps’ listed in the attached study.


Final Police Station Study



Contractor Resources - Click Here