A Special Municipal Election is scheduled for May 28, 2025. You must be a registered voter in Sitka to be eligible to vote in the Election. If you plan to vote but aren’t registered to vote in Sitka, you must complete registration by April 28, 2025. To check voter registration status, visit: https://myvoterportal.alaska.gov/. To register or update a voter registration record, visit: https://voterregistration.alaska.gov/ or, visit the Municipal Clerk’s Office in City Hall at 100 Lincoln Street, 3rd floor. The Sitka Public Library is available to help too! They have public computers available for online registration, and paper registration forms and assistance are available at the Circulation Desk.
Eligible voters may choose to vote using one of these options:
Meeting room locations by date:
May 13, 16, 17, 20-24, 27 – Meeting Room 5
May 14, 15 – Meeting Room 3
May 19 – Meeting Room 2
Precinct 1: Meeting Rooms 5 & 6
Precinct 2: Auditorium
For a sample ballot, absentee ballot request, and other election resources, visit https://www.cityofsitka.com/SpecialMunicipalElection or contact the Municipal Clerk’s Office at clerk@cityofsitka.org, 907.747.1826 or 907.747.1811.
City Clean-Up 2025 and Household Hazardous Waste Collection Event
The City and Borough of Sitka Public Works Department announces the annual City Clean-Up event to be held 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. daily from Saturday, April 5 to Sunday, April 13. All residential property owners are encouraged to clean up their property and haul all acceptable refuse to the City Solid Waste Disposal Sites free of charge during this timeframe.
Household hazardous waste will be collected from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Saturday, April 12 and 8:00am to 3:00pm on Sunday, April 13. All households are eligible for the free event. Items can be delivered to the Wastewater Treatment Plant located at 100 Alice Loop.
For more information about acceptable refuse or designated disposal areas, visit www.cityofsitka.com or contact Public Works at 907.747.1804 or publicworks@cityofsitka.org.
Click here to visit the Gary Paxton Industrial Park Haul Out and Ship Yard Project page
3/11/2025 - The Travel Lift is on it's way! Below is a picture of it being assembled at the manufacturer prior to shipping it out to it's new home of SITKA.
December2024 Pilings going in
Below is the GPIP Haul Out Groundbreaking November 8, 2024
At the Assembly meeting on July 25 at 6:00 p.m. in Harrigan Centennial Hall, the Assembly approved Concept Design #4. Agenda and packet materials.
A June 2023 presentation on the project can be found by visiting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JjPVCVTy5Lo
For more information on the project, ways to comment, and supporting documents visit: https://www.cityofsitka.com/departments/PublicWorks/GPIPHaulOut
Regular Assembly Meetings are held the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in Harrigan Centennial Hall. Agendas and supporting documentation are available at https://sitka.legistar.com/Calendar.aspx or by contacting the Municipal Clerk's Office at City Hall.
Public comment on agenda items and “Persons to be heard” is encouraged and welcomed. Guidelines for citizen participation at Assembly meetings, including public comment, can be found here.
Citizens may provide comment by email, in-person, or by phone.
Email testimony:
To comment by email to the Mayor and Assembly Members on an agenda item, use assembly@cityofsitka.org.
In-person testimony:
There is no sign-up list for in-person testimony. Arrive at the Assembly Chambers at Harrigan Centennial Hall (330 Harbor Drive) before the item you wish to testify on is brought up. At the appropriate time for public participation on each agenda item, the Mayor will invite the public to speak on a first come basis. Please state your full name for the record. You will have 3 minutes to provide testimony. To learn more, read SGC 2.04.130 Public Participation.
Phone testimony:
The deadline to sign up to provide testimony by phone during an Assembly meeting is 5:00 p.m. the day before the meeting. To sign up, call the Municipal Clerk’s Office at 907-747-1826 or email clerk@cityofsitka.org. Be prepared to provide your name, phone number, and indicate which agenda item(s) you wish to provide comment on. For discussion / direction / decision items, citizens are encouraged to sign up for telephonic testimony to have the opportunity to comment if a formal motion is made. When the Assembly reaches your agenda item, the Municipal Clerk will phone you at the number provided. You will have 3 minutes to provide testimony. If you are not available, the Municipal Clerk will move to the next person on the call list. To learn more, read SGC 2.04.186 Telephonic Participation by the Public.
To make your telephonic testimony more effective, please consider the following:
• Mute your radio, television, or the livestream if you are following along. There is a delay, and it may echo, thereby complicating your testimony.
• Do not have your phone on speaker. Speaker phones introduce a myriad of extraneous noise into your testimony.
• Make sure there is limited ambient noise from your location and if on a cell phone make sure you are in a location with good cell service.
• If you have a headset, please use it. Headsets will give a more consistent signal and reduce room noise.
Regular and special Assembly meetings are livestreamed through the City's website and YouTube channel. In addition, regular meetings are aired live on KCAW FM 104.7. To receive Assembly agenda notifications, sign up with GovDelivery on the City website.
For more information, contact the Municipal Clerk's Office at 747-1826 or 747-1811.
Municipal Administrator John Leach gave his presentation to the Greater Sitka Chamber of Commerce of the State of the City on January 22, 2025. The annual report comprised of milestones of our Strategic Plan, statistics, and outlined future commitments. 2024 CBS Annual Report
Past Annual Reports:
Report presented to the Greater Sitka Chamber of Commerce on January 24, 2024: 2023 CBS Annual Report
Report presented to the Greater Sitka Chamber of Commerce on January 23, 2023: FY2022 Annual Report
Report presented to the Greater Sitka Chamber of Commerce on January 26, 2022 by John Leach, Municipal Administrator. Annual Report. Talking points that accompany Annual Report Presentation. Talking Points
Introducing CBS News: Your Quarterly Update
Welcome to CBS News, our quarterly newsletter bringing you the latest updates, insightful stories, and important developments from the City and Borough of Sitka. Whether you're a long-time resident or new to the area, this newsletter is your go-to source for news that impacts you and your community. We cover a wide range of topics including city projects, events, public service updates, and more!
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Sitka Strategic Plan 2022-2027 Updated November 2024
A strategic plan acts as a compass. It helps our organization focus on a set of shared goals and guide it toward achieving them. The strategic plan provides defined goals and actions rooted in community-identified priorities and informed by an understanding of current trends, along with an action plan and key performance indicators to measure progress over time. Furthermore, it fosters a culture of strategic management for the organization by serving as a resource to guide both long-term planning as well as daily decisions concerning the organization's delivery of services and the community's future.
Click to get the latest information on the following projects:
Lake-Hirst and Monastery-Kinkead Project
SIT Airport Terminal Improvement Project
Thomsen Harbor Lift Station (updated 04/03/2024)