Pet Owner Tips


  • The best way to protect your pet from cold weather is by keeping them indoors.
  • Outdoor shelter must provide protection from wind, rain, or snow. Isolation and continuous access as needed.
  • Straw and/or dry, thick blankets are good insulators for the outdoor dog house.
  • Regularly check weather bowls to break the ice or fill as necessary
  • Increase the amounts of food for your outdoor pets who may need the extra calories to produce more body heat.
  • Be aware that pets can be attracted by the sweet taste and smell of antifreeze; this liquid is a deadly poison for your animals
  • Look for animals in the engine of your car before starting it.  Some animals may have crawled up under there looking for warmth and shelter.
  • Provide a wooden pallet to allow the animal to get up out of the wet and mud.

Sitka General Code 8.08.010A Cruelty to animals. The care must include sufficient food and clean water, adequate shelter and protection from the weather, health care and clean living conditions in accordance with accepted veterinary practice;



Quiet, Bark Control Plan: Make your pet a good neighbor! Excessive barking must be corrected. Teach your dog to be quiet, bring it in the house, and speak with your neighbors for an update if your dog is left out when you are away from home.

Sanitation, Clean-Up: Scoop-up your pet's waste immediately if deposited on property rather than your own and routinely if on your own property. It's the Law! There are clean up bags at all of the ball fields and two located by the greenbelt at Crescent Harbor. Use them, take a couple for later.

Use a Leash: Leashing and restraining pets is a citywide requirement. Training collars can be purchased which will prevent the dog from pulling excessively, when walked on a leash. Halters are helpful.

No Bolting Out the Door: Train yourself to stop and look for your dog before opening the door. Quickly leash the dog or spray it with water. commending it to stay while people are entering and exiting your home. Teach your dog to sit and wait, even when letting him or her outside.


Cats and outdoor pen-trained: If an outdoor pen is used, be certain to build a secure pen with a ceiling. Cat owners are expected to keep cats home or strictly on their own property. Outdoor pens work great to ensure your cat will stay on your property.

No Bolting Out the Door: If the cat or kitty tries to split every time the door opens, train yourself to STOP, LOOK, and then move kitty or spray him/her with water.

Helping You with Altitude: For problems such as Biting, House-soiling (provided there are no medical problems and the litter is cleaned,) and Aggression, many people have found a 3-step program to be successful in combating "cat problems" that they are experiencing.

  1. Hand feeding/food control, means that food comes from you and only you- they don't just find it in their dish. This will help them appreciate you a bit more.
  2. Movement control, a gentle placing into an indoor (rest-time) cage for 30-60 minutes per day, shows them that they have boundaries.
  3. Affection reversal means that you give it when you initiate it, not when they do. This will show them they may need to depend on you too!

Tips for a happy indoor cat:

  • Trim your cat's claws every one to two weeks to keep them from damaging furniture, rugs and drapes, or glue on artificial mail caps called "Soft Paws" every six to eight weeks.
  • Provide one litter pan per cat and scoop the litter at least once daily. If you find the cats are fine using one litter box, great. When a cat is unhappy with the home setting, the cat will use inappropriate litter box habits to show his disapproval.
  • Many cats enjoy the companionship of another cat or compatible dog. If you can make the financial and emotional commitment, consider adopting another companion animal for yourself and for your cat. Cats are almost always happiest when they are in two's.