SCRES Webinar Series

  Knowledge powers Sitka just as much as its hydroelectricity. To make sure that knowledge is accessible as possible, the Sitka Community Renewable Energy Strategy (SCRES) includes a five-part webinar series to provide easy to digest information about Sitka's energy landscape during a lunchtime hour. Enjoy some food and facts with energy experts from across multiple departments of City and Borough of Sitka, the Renewable Energy Alaska Project, and the Pacific Northwest National Lab.

Sitka's Energy: Past & Present
Bri Gabel | Sustainability Coordinator, CBS

Key Questions:
  • What is Sitka’s electric grid and how has it grown?
  • What makes Sitka’s electric grid unique?
  • How much electricity does Sitka use today?

Topics Include:

Sitka's Energy Today

Sitka's Energy History

Energy Efficiency & Conservation
Colleen Fisk | Energy Education Director, REAP

Key Questions:
  • How do everyday choices influence Sitka's electric grid?
  • How can i benefit by conserving energy?

Topics Include:

Energy Efficiency & Conservation

Reliability & Resilience

Energy Economics

Energy Economics
Amy Ainslie | Planning Director, CBS
Bri Gabel | Sustainability Coordinator, CBS

Key Questions:
  • What impacts the cost of electricity and energy?
  • How do I read my utility bill?

Topics Include:

Energy Economics

Energy Independence

Reliability, Resilience, & Independence
Ron Vinson | Electric Utility Director, CBS
Amy Solana | Senior Engineer, PNNL
Michael Brown | Electrical Engineer, PNNL

Key Questions:
  • How do these three areas impact Sitka's electric grid?
  • How can Sitka improve in these areas?

Topics Include:

Reliability & Resiliency 

Energy Independence

Sitka's Energy Options
Molly Grear | Ocean Engineer, PNNL

Key Questions:
  • How much energy does Sitka need?
  • What types of renewable energy are best suited for Sitka and why?

Topics Include:

Sitka's Energy Potential

Sitka's Energy Today

Frequently Asked Questions:

Will the slides be available?
 Slides will not be made directly, the information in the webinars will be available across the the education module webpages. To request specific slides, please email
Will there be any in-person presentations and/or events?
 Yes, in-person events are being planned for winter 2025. If you would like to request an in-person presentation or to get updates about events, email


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